April 14, 2016


And the Milano Design Week is around....

Tortona district host several exhibitions & performances.  

Shops with a new look: what you see is pop-up stores. Just a curiosity: do you know what is a pop-up store? It is a new concept of shop, a retail store that is open temporarily to take advantage of a trend.

The streets are plenty and design is everywhere. 

Check out some events:

SuperDesign Super Show - The address is Via Tortona 27. An experience to live in the space of 17.000 m2. An artificial tree hosts the visitors....www.superdesignshow.com

The Invisible Kitchen - A visionary installation in a futuristic journey through the world of cooking, edited by Miele. Opificio 31 Emporio, Via Tortona  31. www.theinvisiblekitchen.miele.com

BlaBla Bubble - Discover the Sharing Effect - Installation interactive, created by Blablacar with the young collective of architectural research Fosbury Architecture.

Rio + Design 2016 - The atmosphere of my city invades Milano. Check the best of the creative output of this fascinating location. Opificio 31 Emporia, spazio 1,Via Tortona  31.

Besides the exhibitions, you can also try the temporary restaurants, it is a must. One of them is situated at the boutique of Antonio Marras, one of the avant-guard Italian fashion designer that has worked with Kenzo for 10 years.www.antoniomarras.it/am/cat/milanodesignweek/post/milanodesignweek

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