May 21, 2016


Do you notice my passion for Italy, don't you? I assume it!

A few weeks ago, I thought about this subject: food ! I was thinking about how the Italian kitchen is diversified, by the way as the country that I came from: Brazil. 

Travelling around Italy, I have the pleasure to taste and also to notice the difference of food by regions. 
To my surprise, I discovered dishes that it is difficult to find in a restaurant outside Italy!

Pappa al Pomodoro is one of those dishes. Do you have any idea of the region that this plate comes from? What is it? Okay, pappa = potato and pomodoro = tomato....and then?

Typically from Toscana, to be more precise from Siena, Pappa al Comodoro is a soup prepared with fresh ingredients as tomatoes, basil, onions, garlic, extra virgin olive oil and bread (better if it is a leftover).

This dish has ancient origins and it was popularized by the singer Rita Pavone on TV with the music ' Viva la Pappa col Pomodoro'

Check the receipt, the photos help a lot!!! And 'buon appetite'

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